
Francisco Ortiz extends his sold-out run in ‘Himalaya’ until November

Opening earlier this year in Buenos Aires to rave reviews, ‘Himalaya’ is the latest work from director Juan Fiori that tells the story of a group of climbers and Sherpas scaling Nanga Parbat Mount . Francisco Ortiz plays legendary Reinhold Messner, who made the first assent without supplemental oxygen, and he has just confirmed he will stay with the show until the end of the season. More information can be found on ‘Himalaya’ at

‘Himalaya’ is another success straight off the back of ‘Oceanía’ marking out 2016 as Francisco Ortiz’s most successful year on the Buenos Aires stage. After co-founding ‘Atlantes’, his own theatre company, to develop the project which he also wrote, ‘Oceania’ opened in March and was completely sold-out for its three month-run. Sponsorship by the National Art Fund and National Theatre Institute has also guaranteed its inclusion in theatre festivals across Argentina and a return to the stage in 2017.

Francisco Ortiz is also excited to be travelling to Norway in early September for the world premiere of ‘Hedda Gabler’. Adapted from the Ibsen play of the same name and directed by Matthew John, Francisco Ortiz plays Ejlert Løvborg and he will be in Oslo with other members of the cast for the International Ibsen Festival on September 8th where costumes from the movie will go on display in a new exhibition at the Henrik Ibsen Museum.

In the last twelve months Francisco Ortiz has also found time to co-write two other plays (‘Las Llaves’ and ‘Saudade’), work on the TV series ‘Silencios De Familia’ and life has most definitely imitated art after he agreed to play a theatre director in Julia Solomonoff´s new film (‘Nadie Nos Mira’).